
My academic journey would not have been possible without help from mentors, friends, and internet strangers along the way. This page is a (growing) collection of resources that I hope will be helpful to others as well.

Are you thinking about going to graduate school / doing a PhD? I am always happy to chat with prospective students who are thinking about graduate school. I am especially excited about helping students from Sri Lanka and other countries in the Global South navigate the path to a PhD in the US. Scholars from the Global South are underrepresented in academia, especially in the social sciences, and an important step in closing this gap is helping more scholars gain access to education and training at the PhD level with funding. I hope I can play a small part in making this possible - I am happy to share my experience, explain the process, help edit application material, and help you find more resources. Please feel free to email me or reach me via socials!

How to create an academic website like this one!

I created this website in R using blogdown package. While there are many other ways to create a personal website, I chose this because it is cheap/free. Here are resources I found helpful:

Some of my fav resources for writing advice: